Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 5/30/2024
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 4/25/2024
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 3/28/2024
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 2/29/2024
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 1/25/2024
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 12/21/2023
Prudential Committee 2022 Annual Meeting - 01/14/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 11/30/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 10/26/2023
Prudential Committee September Monthly Meeting - 10/02/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 08/31/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 07/27/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 06/29/2023
Prudential Committee May Monthly Meeting - 06/01/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 04/27/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 03/30/2023
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 02/23/2023
Prudential Committee January Monthly Meeting - 02/02/2023

Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 08/25/2022
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 07/28/2022
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 01/27/2022
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 12/31/2021
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 12/01/2021
Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 10/28/2021Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 09/30/2021Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 06/24/2021Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 05/27/2021Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 04/29/2021

Prudential Committee 2020 Annual Meeting - 01/09/2021

Prudential Committee Monthly Meeting - 12/31/2020

These By-Laws (Ordinance Plans) have been adopted by the Winhall-Stratton Fire District #1 in accordance with and pursuant to the authority vested in the Fire District under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Vermont and may be referred to as the District By-Laws, (Ordinance Plans).

​​​​​​​Revised 01/14/2023